

Understanding the ways credit and debt work 为 and against you are some of the first steps toward understanding personal finance. While it’s not useful to be scared of credit and debt and avoid it entirely, 有些事情需要注意 为.


债务 is like any tool: when used correctly, it can be quite useful. 如果使用不当,债务很容易失控. Missing payments may negatively affect your credit score, and that can take years to recover from. 错过了付款, 例如,可以在你的信用报告上停留7年.1


Your credit score is one of the factors lenders use to judge your trustworthiness and qualification 为 mortgages, 汽车贷款, 以及其他贷款. Landlords and employers may also check your credit be为e renting to you or offering you a job.


兴趣可能对你不利,但也可能对你有利. 当你申请有利率的贷款时, 这对你不利, but when you invest early and take advantage of compound interest, 这对你有用.


When you’ve got an account that’s accruing interest, the interest earned gets added to the principal. Then, interest is earned on the new, larger principal, and the cycle repeats. 那是复利,宝贝!


开始存钱永远不会嫌早. 事实上,你越早开始,你的结果就越好. By getting started with retirement savings sooner rather than later, 你可以利用时间的价值为自己谋利.

辛迪和. 查理

Consider the case of Cindy and 查理, who will each invest a total of $100,000. Cindy starts right away, depositing $10,000 a year at a hypothetical 6% rate of return. 10年后,辛迪停止了存款. 另一方面,查理 等上十年才开始AG捕鱼王新版app下载. He also puts $10,000 a year away 为 10 years, at the same hypothetical rate as Cindy. 二十年后,谁更有钱? Shockingly, Cindy's balance is nearly twice as big as 查理's, thanks to the 额外的时间,她的AG捕鱼王新版app下载回报必须复合.2


通货膨胀 has the potential to eat away the purchasing power of your money. That means, with inflation, the dollar you earn today may not be worth a dollar in the future. Here some things to keep in mind when thinking about inflation.


Keeping all your cash under a mattress is not only unsafe, it literally costs you money. 假设通货膨胀率为2%, every dollar you squirrel away will shrink in value to just $.明年98.


因为通货膨胀侵蚀了你的钱的购买力, any returns you earn on your accounts may not be the “real” rate of return. If your account earned a hypothetical 6% rate of return over the last year, but inflation was 1.5%是真实的 收益率为4.5%.3


In the modern world, identity theft is one of the biggest threats to financial and personal safety. A cracked password or misplaced Social Security number can have big consequences on your current and future finances.


The common wisdom is to use a unique password 为 each site and service you use. A password manager can make this easier by generating and storing strong passwords until you need to use them.



  1. Experian, 2023
  2. 这是一个数学复合的假设例子. It’s used 为 comparison purposes only and is not intended to represent the past or future performance of any investment. 税es and investment costs were not considered in this example. The results are not a guarantee of performance or specific investment advice. The rate of return on investments will vary over time, particularly 为 longer-term investments. AG捕鱼王新版app下载s that offer the potential 为 high returns also carry a 风险程度高. 实际回报会波动. The types of securities and strategies illustrated may not be suitable 为 everyone.
  3. This is a hypothetical example used 为 illustrative purposes only. It is not representative of any specific investment or combination of investments. 过去的表现不能保证未来的结果.




Here are 3 quick tips to keep in mind when buying or leasing your next vehicle.



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